Mittwoch, 23. März 2016

The Night Manager

The Night Manager is coming to an end his weekend. I can´t believe how fast time flies. But the good news is that there will be most likely a second season. Although it´s not officially yet but Le Carré has already claimed to be on board for the script if they were to go through with it.

The funny thing is in the last weeks the most you heard about the series was about the steaming sex scenes and the hunk that is Tom. Maybe even more so because also other series played the sex card in the past weeks.
But in all round about - the Story has really been good so far. The Fans are biting their nails to finally see the finale to see wether Pine will make it out alive. Is Jed going to get hurt ? Does Pine really love her or is he using her to get Roper ?
And then did Roper, the declared worst man in the world really trust Pine ? A man he just met, where someone like Corky has worked under him since years ? Nah, I don´t think so.

Hold onto your easter eggs it´s going to get exciting.

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