Mittwoch, 23. März 2016

The Night Manager

The Night Manager is coming to an end his weekend. I can´t believe how fast time flies. But the good news is that there will be most likely a second season. Although it´s not officially yet but Le Carré has already claimed to be on board for the script if they were to go through with it.

The funny thing is in the last weeks the most you heard about the series was about the steaming sex scenes and the hunk that is Tom. Maybe even more so because also other series played the sex card in the past weeks.
But in all round about - the Story has really been good so far. The Fans are biting their nails to finally see the finale to see wether Pine will make it out alive. Is Jed going to get hurt ? Does Pine really love her or is he using her to get Roper ?
And then did Roper, the declared worst man in the world really trust Pine ? A man he just met, where someone like Corky has worked under him since years ? Nah, I don´t think so.

Hold onto your easter eggs it´s going to get exciting.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

Loki and the Infinity War of Marvel

Kevin Feige just confirmed Loki for Avengers III - The Infinity War Part 1 and 2 . So what is it all about - since some voices claim to know that at the end of Avengers 2 at the credit scene - Loki leads an attack on Earth. So is he joining Thanaos again ? Even though he lost Thanaos Scepter ? And didn´t get the infinity stone for him ?
But what if Loki joins forces with someone no one has on their list ... Feige said in Thor 3 Loki´s Mother will be revealed. She could be an ally but even so a possible force to hold him back.

And even so Asgard is in Loki´s Hands and so the teseract he could use that - he knows how to use it but will he use it against Thanaos or as a way to get something for it ?
He is know King of Asgard but if he is as he said never satisfied maybe he wants to rule above everyone else - and so above Thanaos.

Either way we are already on our tippy toes.

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

Crimson Peak will blow your mind

Finally the very first pictures of Crimson Peak have arrived. In Total Film and the new Empire Issue we get to celebrate the new Movie of Guillermo Del Toro. Why are we excited because the man is a genius of the genre. We love good old fashioned Horror flicks, especially Ghost Stories were the actual ghosts are not as scary as the living humans in the house. 
Along with amazing photography design. Even though I´m a little upset they used that pic because there are so many good ones from the test shots. Like this - 

Well these are more fitting . 

I´m such ahuge Fan of the 90´s Wuthering Heights if they´re getting nearly that feeling, or even Jane Eyre, I´m up in the front line. More over there is the heroine Mia Wasikowska who looks just beautiful ...

but there is also the stunning sister of Thomas Sharpe portraited by Jessica Chestain who looks just so tempting and elegant no wonder that there is a certain vibe going on between the siblings.

But where are the parents ? Maybe they just have each other and it developed in a strange co existence and because of that they became too attached to each other ?

Could they have killed their parents ? Maybe Thomas saved her from someone, and she admires him but also loves him too much ? And Mia´s character just see´s it as overprotectness of a little sister ?

Either way, I am all game for this.

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Loki is not a Villain - He is a God

A lot of people name Loki a villain, but this is not true. He can´t be called that because this is a human characterison - Loki in Marvel as in Religion is a God. He shares Odin´s Blood and in Marvel he is a Prince of Asgard and a Jotun - asgardians are Gods and Loki is even more. He is a Jotun and we know nothing about their race - even though it seems they are take action without regret and mercy. They are strong and scary figures to be reckon with.
And in Religion he is half giant and wind-giant. Overseen by his father and his brothers due to his height. It lies in his nature to be frickle and unsteady.

In Greek History and Myth the mirror image to North Myth, the gods are very gruesome. Murder, torture, violence have happened but no one is calling them Villains just as Odin uses rape, violence, torture, murder and cruelty to his benefit, no one is calling him a Villain or Thor who is crashing and ripping the heads off of hunderts of Jotuns. In the Name of Asgard.

So what really makes a villain ? Who is the villain in a Story ? Cause out of the villains view very often the Hero is the villain in their Story. But if the Hero kills everyone of the 'Bad Guys' it´s heroic ? Is their live less worth because they´re from another species that frightens us ?
How many of the Centauri were killed ? How many Jotuns ?

In the end the Heroes are simply murderers too - justiying it in their course to save others.

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014

Thor 3 and Loki dead ?!

I´ve seen a lot of speculation about Thor 3 theme being ragnarok - the end of all things because Chris Hemsworth simply being asked about his idea for Thor 3 implied it would be  a great Story. It´s not even out if that is true. Cause the script wasn´t even written at that point.
Just like the idea of Amora or the enchantress - it isn´t likely to happen. It was just an answer of Tom Hiddleston for a love interest for Loki. And the most don´t like the idea because Loki is already a pain ridden character in the movies and this characters just fed in the pain in the comics. No happy end in sight.

And now they come up with the idea and enlarge it that this is his final blow. Even though he signed up for more movies than 3 - there are at least 2 more to go. And I´m sure if they decide to continue the work with him he will sign a new contract. For Loki is a real beloved character - even if he is a you know bad kinda guy.
(You know he killed a few people on earth right ? *SCHHHHHH*)

And besides he already - well - nearly died in Thor 2 and to do it in the next one again isn´t pretty smart. And Kevin Feige is smart. And a sadist at some extend.

And even though I really would like to see the Storyline of Kidloki on screen I don´t think that will work - and that´s just it right ? We still are assuming of the things we read in the comics but the Comics are a lot different from the movies on screen. In characterisation and ark.

In that not only in the Thor characters but all marvel heroes from Iron Man to Cap. So I still have hope they will go into a whole different direction and catch the viewer by surprise. And Feige being the master player that he is will surely come up with something incredible. It can only get better after seeing the guardians of the galaxy the viewers idea of things has pretty much expended. The Universe is much more complicated and bigger than we all thought. And I´m all exited for things going down with Thanaos.

Samstag, 6. September 2014

The Love you never found as your own

You never failed to despise the wounds on your own
you tried to run to turn away 
finding only shadows in the shade of an ideal
an idea far greater than it actually was
just a name just a name whispering in the shadows of your heart
echoing in the dark
you tried to run to turn away
but here you are
starring in the mirror 
still in the shadows 
still waiting for him
still torturing your innerself to be like him
crawling beneath expectations 
fighting a hardening foam

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Loki´s death : Planned ?

"This plan of yours is gonna get us killed !"

So does this actually mean, he plans to die in this battle, and this is also the reason he walks over the field to save Thor so his brother believes his death faux ?

I read that Loki long before this used a kind of spell to save him from dying on the battle field. And this means he knew he wouldn´t die. And even the words he decided to tell his brother were means to torture his sentiments.

Using his Brothers feelings - this seems most likely.

And the lines spoken as Odin are just feeding right into Thor´s feeling to avoid his responsibility as the heir of Asgard. But how long can he pretend to be Odin. And with Odin gone - and Thor on Midgard - he surely wants everyone to know what he did and that he is the legimate King of Asgard.

It´s more than likely that´s it isn´t enough for him to just have throne but to prove Thor that he is better than him and he wants to see him kneel before him. And the thing more delicious would be to Thor stand beside him just like he did - always in his shadow.